Lawnswood Campus
Nightingale Home and Hospital Service
Curriculum Overview
Our curriculum offer at Nightingale Home and Hospital Service is based around a core offer of Maths, English and Science. All young people will also receive tuition in Computing and Preparation for Adulthood (this will support Post 16 destinations, Careers, Travel Training and Independent Living Skills). Young people undertake daily reflection and RSHE sessions at the start of each day and also have access to an intervention session each week (this is decided based upon their area of need but includes Mindfulness, Cool Kids and Reading booster sessions). All young people will also participate in an Alternative Curriculum Enrichment (ACE) day each week where they complete a series of theme-based projects which will include elements of Outdoor Learning, Art, Duke of Edinburgh and Forest School as well as linking into the core subject delivery throughout the week.
From Year 9 upwards, in addition to the above, all young people will be offered an options session (Animal Care, Art and PE). For those young people who have already selected options at their mainstream setting it may be possible for them to continue with that option choice if they wish.
Please click here to view our Options Booklet.
Those young people in Years 7 and 8 will be adopting a thematic approach to learning. This will allow them to receive a broad and balanced curriculum and improve their cultural capital. The theme that is being used within the ACE day will be adopted across the curriculum and will include subjects such as Humanities and Citizenship. Young people within these year groups will also receive lessons in PE and Art as well as an additional outdoor learning opportunity.
Click on the buttons listed below to find out more information about each subject.
If you would like further information on our curriculum please contact us here.
For more information about our Curriculum, please contact us.
English KS3

Key Stage 3 students follow a programme according to the National Curriculum and GCSE examinations. For key stage 3 students there is a focus on reading, writing and speaking and listening. Students will explore a range of topics including fiction, non-fiction, genres and creative writing. We ensure that students can access the knowledge needed to read critically and write imaginatively. Students will explore a range of forms and develop a love of reading. Texts will be challenging and we will ensure that students have access to develop a broad range of skills.
English KS4
We understand that Key Stage 4 is an important time in English. GCSE English Language helps students to develop their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. We will study a range of texts from the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries. The course will encourage students to develop a love of reading and access texts which interest and challenge.
We deliver the following courses:
Eduqas GCSE English Language
Eduqas GCSE English Literature
Students in Key Stage 4 will also study for their Functional Skills English qualifications provided by Edexcel. Students will study a range of materials that will enable them to gain basic literacy skills.
Each stage of the Functional Skills course covers Reading, Writing and Speaking & Listening. Students will be entered for their Functional Skills throughout the year in Year 10 and 11. The course starts at Entry Level 1 and finishes at Level 2.
Entry Level 1
Entry Level 2
Entry Level 3
Functional Skills Level 1
Functional Skills Level 2
Useful Links

Maths KS3
The aim of all Maths learning and teaching at The Nightingale Home and Hospital Service is to ensure that all of the students we teach are able to gain the highest level of qualification that they can during their time with us.
In the first instance students will follow the scheme of work from their mainstream school.
In other circumstances students will follow The Nightingale Home and Hospital Service scheme of work that will be adjusted to the needs of individual students and their timetables.
It therefore becomes very important to find the level of functioning of every student so that an appropriate, interesting and challenging curriculum can be put into place. This can range from basic numeracy skills to preparation for the new GCSE 1-9 examination.
Through our mathematics KS3 curriculum at Nightingale, our intention is to provide all of our young people with a foundation for understanding number, reasoning, thinking logically and problem solving with resilience for them to understand that maths is essential to everyday life, found within many careers paths and employment. Our hope is for each young person to be able to develop as confident mathematicians who are not afraid to take risks and ensure that they go on to gain the highest level of qualification that they can during their time with us.
Essential number work lays the foundation for the other strands of the National Curriculum 2020 for mathematics: algebra, ratio, geometry and measures, probability and statistics. Students in Year 7 - 10 have a wide range of starting points in terms of the maths content they have studied and the academic levels they have reached; planning for lessons is adapted to account of this. We follow White Rose mathematics schemes of learning, and each unit is differentiated to take account of the differing starting levels. Young people also follow the Renaissance Accelerated Maths programme and in addition they access Maths Watch and Times Tables Rock Stars resources to supplement their onsite maths lessons and their extended learning tasks. As part of induction, each student is assessed using BKSB online assessment tool.

If you have lost or forgotten your login information for any of our additional resources, please contact

Maths KS4
The main aim of all maths teaching and learning at The Nightingale Home and Hospital Service is to ensure that all of the students we teach are able to gain the highest level of qualification that they can during their time with us.
Where possible and appropriate, students will follow the scheme of work and examination board followed by their mainstream school. Other circumstances might mean that students follow our scheme of work, particularly if they are with us on a long term basis. It is therefore important to quickly assess every student's needs so that an appropriate, interesting and challenging curriculum can be put into place. This may mean being able to provide work pre Level 1 of the National Curriculum, right through to Grade 9 at GCSE. Students who have missed a significant amount of time or who are unable to access their mainstream school's curriculum will follow Nightingale's provision. This has a particular emphasis on ensuring students have a sound understanding of basic numeracy skills as well as being sympathetic to issues that may have incurred in their previous educational establishment. We deliver the following courses:
The Key Stage 4 mathematics curriculum follows programmes of study stipulated by exam boards for GCSE. This can be at foundation or higher level as well as qualifications such as entry levels and functional skills which will run parallel to GCSE teaching, therefore maximising the chances of all students to gain nationally recognised qualifications.
Examination Courses and Levels of Entry
In mathematics, we provide courses that run from the most accessible entry level, Entry Level 1, to the highest level course we offer, which is GCSE Higher with the Edexcel exam board.
Entry Level 1 Numeracy
Entry Level 2 Numeracy
Entry Level 3 Numeracy
Level 1 Functional Skills
Level 2 Functional
Full GCSE Foundation course in Mathematics
Full GCSE Higher course in Mathematics
By providing a range of courses at different levels, we aim to ensure that not only does every student have the opportunity to take and pass a Maths course, but that they can also carry on achieving higher qualifications post 16 if they choose to do so. Therefore providing all Nightingale students the same opportunity they would have had in their mainstream school with the additional support they may need at this specific time in their lives.
Courses will be decided on an individual basis according to a student’s needs and following an initial period of assessment. This may mean a formal assessment on entry or formative assessments over a time period which is sensitive to a students' needs.

Science KS3
We want our students to become future scientists and engineers who enjoy and value the learning opportunities provided for them here at The Nightingale Home and Hospital Service.
“A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, pupils should be encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. They should be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.”

Our science curriculum is broad, balanced and relevant to the needs of all our students. We offer a range of progression routes which enable students to close the gap between an interrupted educational career and their mainstream goal. The curriculum not only develops students’ knowledge and understanding in a range of science topic areas, it enables them to develop the skills required to become more independent, creative and innovative learners in order to make other links between their subject knowledge.
KS3 students are taught as a mixed Year 7-9 group following a general science course that is centred on creating a foundation of basics in biology, chemistry and physics. The science curriculum is balanced and relevant to the needs of the students with an emphasis on supporting learners make progress before moving onto new content and skills. Participation in some Project Based Learning encourages engagement and curiosity and provides a local context relevant to everyday life.
In Biology students will cover:
Health and the human body (including cells and organisation, reproduction)
Ecosystems and interdependence
Photosynthesis and respiration
In Chemistry students will cover:
Atoms and the Periodic Table
States of matter
Chemical reactions
Materials and recycling
In Physics students will cover:
Electricity and magnetism
Energy changes and transfer
Building up of Key Skills
Maths, literacy and skills in working scientifically are embedded throughout, with progression of skills carefully planned, and supported by tasks and assessments to help monitor progress.
Science KS4
Our philosophy: Science for all
We believe that science has something to offer every student. That's why we have two science qualifications for KS4 to suit students of all abilities and aspirations.
At the Nightingale Home and Hospital Service, we offer the AQA Entry Level Certificate in Science or AQA GCSE in Biology.
AQA Entry Level Certificate in Science will inspire and engage students by providing a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study. This qualification is designed so that it can be co-taught alongside GCSE (9-1) qualifications.
There are 6 teaching items in total, 2 for each of biology, chemistry and physics. In all three sciences, students develop their understanding of how scientific principles and concepts help describe complex and diverse natural phenomena in terms of a small number of key ideas. They also develop relevant practical skills.

This qualification is linear. Linear means that students submit all components that form the assessment at the end of the course.
Two Entry Level Certificate Science qualifications are available.
Entry Level Certificate (Single Award)
Entry Level Certificate (Double Award)
Students will be entered for either ELC Science – Single Award or ELC Science – Double Award using the appropriate entry code. Students will submit a portfolio of work containing the appropriate number of Externally-set assignments (ESAs) and Teacher-devised assignments (TDAs).
There are three levels of award available: Entry 1, Entry 2 and Entry 3. Entry 3 is the most demanding.
AQA GCSE Biology is the second section of our science suite, developed to inspire and challenge students of all abilities and aspirations. The core content follows a coherent and logical story through biology. The list below itemises the content students need to know and to be able to do, alongside opportunities for skills development within that area. Further sections outline the requirements for skills in working scientifically, maths and practical assessment.
Paper 1:
What's assessed:
Topics 1–4: Cell biology; Organisation; Infection and response; and bioenergetics.
How it's assessed
• Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes
• 50% of GCSE
• Multiple choice, structured, closed short answer and open response.
Paper 2:
What's assessed:
Topics 5–7: Homeostasis and response; Inheritance, variation and evolution; and Ecology.
How it's assessed
• Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes
• 50% of GCSE
• Multiple choice, structured, closed short answer and open response.
Our science curriculum aims to be relevant to the needs of all our students. We offer progression routes which enable students to bridge the gap between an interrupted educational career and their mainstream goals. The curriculum develops students’ knowledge and understanding in a range of science topic areas and it enables them to develop the skills required to become independent learners who are able to apply their subject knowledge as they proceed through their educational journeys.

Animal Care
The Entry Level Certificate and Award in Practical Small Animal Care Skills provides practical experience and knowledge of the animal care sector. Students will be encouraged to engage in practical activities to develop their knowledge of the sector. There are a range of learning opportunities provided which can include visits to a local animal centre, grooming small animals, safe handling of range of small animals and building confidence in cleaning animal housing.
The Animal Care course aims to build employability skills and gain an insight into the Animal Care sector. Assessment is 100% internal assessment and students with develop a portfolio of work throughout the course. The board that animal care is delivered through is the Skills and Education Group.

Alternative Curriculum Enhancement (ACE)
The Alternative Curriculum Enrichment (ACE) programme is part of our service’s revised curriculum offer. ACE encompasses a thematic approach to learning where all subjects link into a common theme or topic. Young people get to explore real world problems and challenges with significant opportunities for cross-curricular learning. There will be dedicated weekly session for in-depth project work with teaching staff of different specialisms working collaboratively. The theme is then embedded in all subject lessons throughout the week though. The voice of the young people is vital within this approach as where possible activities are young people led. At the end of the project young people will celebrate and demonstrate what they have learned, explored and created through a showcase event.
ACE aims to provide opportunities to support young people to develop effective and essential life skills, often referred to as ‘soft’ skills, for example, independence, communication, positivity, resilience, perseverance, motivation, collaboration and reflection while at the same time nurturing their self-esteem and confidence. Through ACE, we also aim to provide relevant guidance and coping strategies in order to promote positive mental and physical health and well-being, in preparation for those times when our young people could be facing challenges such as anxiety, disruption to their sleep patterns or low mood.
The ACE programme is an addition to the Creative Curriculum with a focus on life skills that are vitally important to all of our young people. This will enable young people to engage with each other, staff and members of the community. There is a strong focus around young people having the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award and Yr 11 focus on POST 16 preparations.
Drop Down Days: In order to meet the requirements of the RSHE/PSHE Curriculum we offer a ‘themed drop down day’ each half term and these take place as part of our ACE Curriculum. The themes and topics that we explore and deliver are chosen carefully to ensure we meet the needs of individual students and the current cohort that attend onsite. There is an opportunity for our offsite students to access some of the materials if it is felt to be relevant.

E-learning provides opportunities for our young people to develop their ICT skills through cross-curricular links including to their personal development and careers education, for example, exploring further education options and learning skills for future employment within an ever-evolving digital future.
Our young people also follow iDEA award programme. This Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA is an international award winning programme that helps young people to develop digital, enterprise and employability skills. Through a series of online challenges, career-enhancing badges are achieved which unlock new opportunities and, ultimately, gain industry-recognised Awards
At Nightingale, we also aim to provide our young people with some experience of computing skills using Teach Computing curriculum map and resources. Providing opportunities to learn how computers and computer systems work and develop their understanding of computational thinking with an experience of coding and programming.

PE: Physical Education
Since the completion of the sports' barn provision, Nightingale’s KS3 students have accessed this new facility each week for PE lessons. During autumn term, Invasion games and Net/wall games units have been completed. Spring term focus will be health and fitness. Students approach the lessons with a very positive attitude and they make encouraging progress.

In addition, students regularly participate in a group well-being walk.
Students develop their teamwork and communication skills as well as improving their overall levels of fitness.

Preparing 4 Adulthood
To meet the needs of all learners, our curriculum is particularly flexible in order to prepare students for the next phase of life. In Preparation for Adulthood, each student has access to areas of study that address their educational, health, social, and independence potential.
Opportunities for students to develop life skills and work-related experiences take place within the department and offsite at a range of different venues which are linked to our Careers and Personal Development curriculum. We provide students with valuable skills to prepare them for their transition into adulthood via the accredited qualification ASDAN. This portfolio helps to document their most recent learning journeys and provides evidence of the practical skills they have developed. Students develop their resilience and work-related skills as they transition towards broader participation in the community.