Lawnswood Campus
Nightingale Home and Hospital Service
Centre Offer

Every effort is made to provide continuity for students so that when they return to their usual schools, they are kept up to date with work completed by their peers where possible.

Every attempt is made to ensure that learning is engaging and enjoyable. Work is planned to suit the needs of individuals offering a personalised curriculum with a focus on core subjects and a strong emphasis around meeting students’ social, emotional, and mental health alongside medical needs in order to promote high quality outcomes and raise aspirations for all students.
Click here to see further information on our curriculum

The Nightingale Home and Hospital Service works with Primary aged students who are medically unfit for full time education. The students are allocated a key worker who will teach them on a 1-1 basis in their own home. To ensure the continuity of education and ease transition, it is important Primary students follow the same curriculum as their peers in English, Maths and Topic/Science. To facilitate this, Nightingale staff will liaise with the relevant Primary schools to secure assessment details, medium and short term lesson planning plus appropriate work and resources. Where staff do not have access to the relevant materials from a school they will assess the student then devise a personalised programme based on an age appropriate curriculum.

Key Stage 3
The Key Stage 3 curriculum consists of subjects from the National Curriculum:
ACE programme (Alternative Curriculum Enrichment)
Preparing for Adulthood
Key Stage 4
The Key Stage 4 curriculum consists of subjects from the National Curriculum, Functional Skills and optional subjects.
Core Subjects:
Creative Curriculum
ACE programme (Alternative Curriculum Enrichment)
Optional Subjects:
GCSE Option: Citizenship, Art or History
Functional Skills: